
Coronavirus Pandemic – 10 Stuff That Human BRAIN Does In Response


COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus outbreak has been labelled a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO)


1. Why is it difficult to follow simple solutions?

One wrong assumption of your brain is that a simple solution to any big problem might not be effective. The CDC has released some easy recommendations that ask the public to stop spreading this pandemic virus by simply washing their hands multiple times.

However, most of us think that we require complicated answers (solutions) to solve complex issues. Therefore, stop making assumptions.

2. Why do we start over-eating?

Have you ever thought that why do you start to eat more and more to respond against pandemic disease?

If not, then this section will for sure provide you with the answer.

Your unconscious mind has an emergency note (memo). You are not sure whether you will get a meal later. But how will it be if this can lead you to famine? Moreover, if every food disappears, what will happen?

Therefore, as a result, the brain tends to make a person eat a lot of food and save its fats from overcoming future emergencies.

3. How does the brain get relief from big problems by sorting out the smaller ones?

When you are unable to wrap your head around any problem, it will create disagreements. There is a way through which you can distract yourself from a huge problem.

In simple words, produce other possible solutions. For example, create a shortage of toilet tissue.

However, foods, medications, and shelters are basic needs. But if you consider the lack of toilet tissue or any other dispensable item, then finding a solution to these problems is easy and manageable.

4. Think about the similar past situations and how you managed them

Why don’t you use similar successful past experiences to minimize stress?

A lot of stress hormones release in such situations. They negatively affect your memory, for example, the hippocampus.

Therefore, these stress hormones cause forgetfulness, and you are unable to remember the previous motivating examples from your past.

5. Why will this terrible thing happen to a good person?

Most of you might trust in a fair and just world. It will protect you from anxiety and your self-esteem due to vulnerabilities and moralities.

According to many Americans, good people do not face bad things.

However, your brain has to resolve the puzzle that says you are a good person and still receiving punishments. It tends to create uncomfortable conflicts that you might be trying to come out of.

6. Why does the frontal lobe not help you to calm down?

 The frontal cortex, responsible for important decision making, is linked to the amygdala, which is a low emotional part of the brain.

Both these parts put brake when one gets exhausted with his emotional parts.

During emergencies, where survival seems to be difficult, the brain starts being overcautious. Fake news starts gaining more importance.

7. Why focusing becomes difficult for you?

You might know that you have limited attention resources.

We cannot multi-tasking similar to the way you were thinking.

Moreover, the salient information tends to usurp your attention instead of your attention to concentrate on something different. These days anything linked to coronavirus is monopolizing your attention space.

8. Place the brain in any uncertainty to annoy it

Predictable situations will give you a false controlling sense. The current situation all over the world is presenting a new condition (reality) that is undesirable for your brain. Many things that are unknown right now and in future stains with uncertainty. Your frontal lobe tends to make you confident and plan for the future.

9. The brain likes to work on autopilot along with least effort’s rule

When you are not on the autopilot, the brain will start to repel. You might reject everything happening at that time.

You can search for things to do on autopilot. In simple words, if you come out or get distracted from your daily routine, you leave the comfort zone of autopilot. Therefore, you will use another brain system.

But your brain won’t repel if you are using this system for a long time. In the end, you will feel fatigued.

10. No one likes to become visibly vulnerable 

All of us are living in an individual society.

We love to look confident, strong, and self-sufficient. The brain will try to maintain this image.

However, after failing, it starts to feel threatened. Emergencies might show many of your vulnerabilities.

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